2d platformer, retro style control c++

Hello, I’m trying to code a 2d player control for a retro style platformer.
I’m pretty sure i’m doing something wrong due my lack of knowledge.

At the moment I’ve a player control that “works” but i’ve some minor odd behaviours and i’m pretty sure i’ve made a mess with the control logic.

I’ve derived UMovementComponent to have the possibility to use **SafeMoveUpdatedComponent ** method to avoid to check collisions on my own.

My blueprint sets the Velocity accordingly with the keys pressed/released (InputActions)

void UBarrellMotion::TickComponent(float DeltaTime, ELevelTick TickType, FActorComponentTickFunction* ThisTickFunction)
	Super::TickComponent(DeltaTime, TickType, ThisTickFunction);
	FRotator no_rot;
	FHitResult hit;
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%f %f %f"), Velocity.X, Velocity.Y, Velocity.Z);
	FVector _v = Velocity;
	if (wallfaced){
		_v.X = 0;
	this->SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(_v, no_rot, true, hit);
	if (hit.Normal.Z == 1){
		this->Velocity.Z = 0;
		grounded = true;
		this->Velocity.Z -= gravity;
	if (abs(hit.Normal.X) == 1){
		wallfaced = true;
		wallfaced = false;

Now, the problems are:

  1. Is this a good way to do that? Am I reinventing the wheel? I want to code my own character control to be sure to have a experience as close as possible to the old platformer games
  2. The wallfaced bool is used to understand when i’m facing against an horizontal wall. If i don’t put to zero the velocity on the X i’ve a “friction” behaviour (i’m pretty sure I don’t have any kind of physics, masses, frictions or stuff like that. I something of those is involved i don’t know where to look to disable it)
  3. At the moment i’ve i’m against a wall, keeping the right/left key pressed, and i try to jump, the jump itself is shorter than a regular jump without being against a wall (and pressing the key). Is that an effect of the point 2?