Servertravel (UE 4.8.3) client problem

Hey guys,

i have a problem with the “execute Console Command” in Blueprints.
First of all, i have 3 levels. The first level is the main_menu level, second the hosting Level and at least the Level_01.
I create a session in the main_menu level and the players join the hosting level.
If the Host(server) press the “Start” button i want that all players travel to the Level_01:
In “MyGameMode” i checked the “Use Seamless Travel” box :).

First Pic (in the Hosting widget) :

Second Pic (in MyPlayerController). I Call a event with Replicates: Run on Server and Reliable is checked:

The next Pic (in MyGameInstance) :

So… if i pressed the play button (both players are on the hosting-Map):

that works perfectly. Now if i press the start button (only pressable as Server). All Clients travels… On serverside i can spawn my character, but the client shows this (right window):

Any ideas? It seems that the client doesn’t call the “Begin Play Event” on the level-blueprint… I maked a “printString-Node” and only the server printed this string…

Thank you :slight_smile:

Guys, i found a temporary solution:
"Temporary workaround (as suggested on other threads) is to disable “Use Single Process” under PLAY > advanced options > multiplayer and also change “Editor Multiplayer Mode” to “Play As Client”.

found here: 4.8.0 p3: default pawns don't spawn on clients after seamless ServerTravel - Multiplayer & Networking - Epic Developer Community Forums

I package the project tomorrow and I’ll testing it with a friend via steam.
See u soon ;D