Struggling to make Event OnClicked to work in Multiplayer

Hello folks

So, to better understand how the replication works to handle multiplayer, i tried to make a chessgame.

I created a Blueprint (Replicates checked) for the pieces that can be clicked by players using the event OnClicked.

I then tried to fire a custom event (Run on Server) and then another to Multicast to every clients to update the position of the piece. If the Player1 (which should be the server, or has Authority I suppose) is clicking the piece, the other Client Sees it, but not the other way around.


Based on this page LINK, I can only assume the Client2 is not owning the BP_Piece and therefore the Run on Server Event is DROPPED.

Any Idea and how to make it to work?

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After further investigation, it seems like the OnClick is just not supported.

I used the ContentExamples that showcase how the RPC works. I used the Chest one that works perfectly and plugged the OnClick event. Same issue. The user that is the server will replicate to the client, but not the other way around.

So what, we can’t make games using mouse such as STR or am I totally missing something here?

I’m officially totally blocked and can’t proceed my project. Any help would be really appreciated.

I also noticed that a print will show the ID “Client -2” when any client click the actor…

An overlap will properly shows Client 1, Client 2 etc.

Doesn’t sound quite right !