Translucent reflection bug

Hi all!

There is some bug with reflection of translucent objects. This is what I got now:


The waterfall is not rendered over the lake, and we see only its reflection.

The real waterfall’s mesh is longer:


And I want to get something like this:


I will be glad any help with this question! :slight_smile:

Hey mdeni,

I believe what you are looking for is to either ‘Disable Depth Test’ of your translucent material for the waterflow, or to edit the translucent sorting priority within the ‘Project Settings.’ This option can be found within your material properties in the expanded menu within the ‘Translucency’ settings.

Disable Depth Test

The above image has ‘Disable Depth Test’ off within the material properties.

Here I have enabled the option, and as you can see the Translucent Glass Cubes are visible and being rendered in front of the Opaque cubes.

For the translucent sorting priority, the options can be found within the ‘Project Settings’

Let me know if you are still having issues or have further questions.


Thank you! My project settings were wrong.