MediaPlayer On(Finished|Stopped|Paused|etc) events

The MediaPlayer has events for when media is opened or closed, but are there plans to add events for other things, such as when playback finishes, or it gets paused?

Same Here!

I just stumbled upon this question…

A number of events were added since the question was asked, including PlaybackEndReached, PlaybackResumed, PlaybackSuspended, and TracksChanged.

I’m planning to add more events, particularly for errors and certain operations.

Hey GM, I’m curious, did you add them to 4.15 or was it added into one of the hotfixes? I’m currently on the latest 4.14 release and compile my own version of the engine, so I’m open for suggestions on implementing your changes even if its only in 4.15. My project uses pre-rendered cutscenes heavily so any help would be appreciated. Thanks! :smiley: