AIPerception : how to use "detection by affiliation"


How do we use “detection by affiliation” on AIPerception component please?

It proposes “detect ennemy” / “neutral” / “friendly”, but how am i supposed to tag an actor as one of this ?
Is there an interface to implement ? A property to fill ?



I’m also trying to figure out how to work with this feature. It would be nice to have more info regarding some of these features that come as part of AI Perception.

Finally found some clues!

I think it is linked to that interface : GenericTeamAgentInterface.
But it’s not exposed for blueprints and not that simple to understand its use (at least for me…) as i think there is a default implementation.

That’s so bad for a such useful feature :confused:

Any update on this?

You stilll need a little c++ for that. Because GenericTeamAgentInterface is not exposed to Blueprint yet

Can we get this for Blueprints?