Get plane selected from brush in editor

Hi there.

I’m trying to get the selected plane of a brush in the editor.
In the editor one can enter the Geometry Editing Mode (Shift + 5) and then select polygons of a brush. I’d like to let the editor save the selected polygons to the volume’s properties (say an FPlane).

What I want to do is this: The editor can select a surface or several surfaces from a brush (this is a custom AVolume) and then save these surfaces to AVolume so AVolume can use these surfaces (I guess converting them to FPlanes for usage would be a good idea) for processing information. The basic idea is to have this volume have a prioritized exit side for AI navigation.

What I have found out so far is that ABrush has a UModel (protected member…).
This UModel has an array of FBspSurf which themselves have a member PolyFlags.
PolyFlags can be PF_Selected (// Editor: Poly is selected.).

I know how to get an FPlane from a FBspSurf (look at UModel::GetSurfacePlanes(…)).
But I can neither access the ABrush’s model nor the UModel’s surface array.

Any ideas? Or better ideas of an approach? : D.