UE4Editor.exe crash on start


I’ve tried launching from both unreal launcher and directly run UE4Editor.exe. However, The system immediately crashes. I am using windows 7 64bit, Graph card: ATI FireGL V5600.

Can ATI FireGL V5600 meet the min. Spec. for unreal engine 4?

Any help would be appreciated!


Would you be able to post your dxdiag so that we can get your full system specs and search for your crash log on our end.

EDIT: Also, can you refer to the following issue and see if it helps solve your issue:



Thanks God! I’ve solved the problem, which was caused by out of date graphic card, ATI FireGL V5600. ATI FireGL V5600 only supports DirectX 10. It doesn’t support DirectX 11. After I replaced a new graphic card, which supports DirectX 11, the problem solved.