Animation Not playing

Hi everone,

Well, I’m trying to build a proto of a cover system. Everything is ok when In my character blueprint I’m using, this is well debuged, but now I’m working with the animations. All the booleans used are ok, they are working.
I’m using the AnimStarterPack, which is really helpful, and all my animations works well, except the cover ones which is just a crouch for the moment). I might forget to check something but I’m turning mad, and I need some help please.

Here are the screen of the Anim blueprint, and the specified state not working :

Thx guys :wink:

Hi first off, your graph is a little confusing.

What is your transition logic going into the CrouchCover state? Also you have no exit condition once you are in the CrouchCover state. You need to have a connection back to your Locomotion. =)


Sorry about the confusing screenshots and explanation.
My transition logic going into the crouchcover state is a boolean condition named “Use Small Cover”.

I was having a connection back to the Locomotion state, but I removed it to be focus on this first issue. Having the connection back didn’t workout my issue.

The thing is that all my booleans are well set. I was following the TwinStick Shooter provided by Epic on the wiki, and now I’m building a proto on my own. I followed all the steps, and all the animations from the tutorial are working fine :confused: