How to make a customizable vehicle?

I’m totally new to UE and blueprints, I want to make a race game with very customizable vehicles… everything should be editable during the gameplay, like wheels, engine RPM, torque, materials… how could i make a blueprint that can handle all that? Any advise where to start ? I don’t even know how powerful blueprints are… can I make the wheels get off car when hitting something so fast for example?

There’s actually a really good starting package called “Vehicle Advanced”. It has has a Vehicle Blueprint containing a Vehicle Movement component that has a lot of those options that are easy to change and experiment with.

I’ve done some testing with Vehicle Advanced, but how could I make the vehicle customizable during the gameplay? If the player want to change wheels for example? And materials, engine speed, engine torque…? How can I change those during gameplay? Thanks

I would extend the WheeledVehicleMovementComponent you want to modify and expose to blueprints anything that is not already exposed or simply change those values through C++. As far as materials and meshes those can be changed just like everything else such as by calling Set Material or Set Skeletal Mesh. If you wanted your car to have modular pieces there are several ways to do that such as by attaching Meshes and if it’s a Skeletal Mesh setting Master Pose Component.