Avoid dynamic obstacles navmesh [C++]


I’m working on a RTS prototype but can’t get the units to avoid each other, instead they sometimes get stuck which isn’t the desired behavior. Is there a good way to let moving units avoid dynamic obstacles like other units or must a custom system be implemented for this behavior?

Not sure about this, but I have the same problem. But currently I am working on all game features and later on I will work on the better pathfinding.

If UE4 have no better dynamic pathfinding, I would try the following approach.

My approch later would be to write a new BTTask for my Behavior Tree. So I will probably use the simple MoveTo and then I would use my own BTTask that checks if the new location is blocked (including the size of the mesh).
If so, he have to find a new location in a x-size radius around the desired location.

Something like this maybe :smiley: