Getting individual tile after collision

Hi, I’m starting using UnrealEngine + Paper2D (via blueprints right now, want to use c++ soon). I already have a basic level with a character moving and colliding with other objects, made using the unreal tilemap editor.

But now I want to detect which tile I’ve collided, so I can destroy it. The character is already colliding with the tile, I just can’t figure out how to get the object to proper remove it from the scene.

Thank you all!

I am also searching for an answer to this problem (Blueprints) Anyone knows how to get the tile onHit?

Hello xMDKx,

If I’m understanding your question correctly, it seems that you’d like to remove a tile that your player collides with. The way to do this is to use an Event Hit. This event will fire when the player hits another object (in your case the tile) and then you can destroy the actor by dragging out the Other pin of the Event Hit node and adding a Destroy Actor node. This can all be done in the Character Blueprint’s Event Graph.

Hope that helps,

Sean Flint

But this will destroy the whole tile map if I am correct. How do I determine the exact tile with which I collided?

I think I already did something like this, but ended deleting the whole map, as @Mijdax mentioned :confused:

Will try again later with your specific directions.


Update on this man