Button Activation On Begin Overlap


Im pretty new to the unreal engine 4 and i have a big problem with an RPC Activation (If i run it only with Begin Overlap it works fine.)

I have a Portal Platform where Network Players should run to and activate it. I made an Actor Blueprint class for this and i pulled it into my level. If they stand on it they should be able to activate it via their G-Button. Right now the Activation of the Portal only toggles the visibility of a Particle System. The Problem is i cant seem to find the right cast to Object Reference to get it work.][1]

Portals (Actor Blueprint Class)

Topdowncharacter (Character Class)

I tried a lot of different ways to get it going:
On G Press Event Dispatcher Call in Character → Bind Event Toggle in Portals

Writing everything in Portals doesnt work cause the RPC wont work then

Get all Actors of class didnt work either.

Please help me im desperate

best regards Michael

Here is a way to do it

Inside yourcharacter BP create a new variable same type as your portal

In BeginOverlapEvent before you set InPortal to true set the variable you created to self

After in your character bp remove the casting nodes and call your events dirdctly from your variable ref


Thanks for the fast reply!

So how do I fire off the event from portals then in the character Bp? Or do you mean that I should toggle visibility in the character bp already (this would lead to problems when the actual events get ls implemented)
could you make me a screenshot of how to do it… I can’t get it working even with the tutorials ( I have read most of the stuff already a dozen times in the last days)

Portal BP

MyCharacter BP

Hmm… The Reference to the Event works pretty good thanks for your help but i still have no luck on the Client to Run the RPC. The Particle Effect still stays on on the server when i try the client… Any Ideas?

I tried to copy the whole Code (+Variables) in the Player Controller, but that doesnt work…

This is my setup in the game mode maybe there is a problem with Owner??