LogNet:Warning: Rejected unwanted function ServerMoveDual

LogNet:Warning: Rejected unwanted function ServerMoveDual

What does this error mean I am unable to find any explaination?

This can happen if the client calls an RPC to the server on an actor the client does not own (owned meaning the actor is possessed by the player controller assigned to that machine, or an inventory item of the owning actor, etc).

There is generally two ways this can happen:

  1. The client thinks it owns the actor, but really doesn’t. This can happen during a small window with latency where the server has transferred ownership of actors (maybe you are no longer possessing that actor, or a level change, etc), and the client just doesn’t know this yet.
  2. A misbehaving client sending malformed packets to the server.

This “This can happen during a small window with latency where the server has transferred ownership of actor” is exactly what has happened, is it safe to ignore the warning? it happens every time ownership is transferred, no latency.

Yes, in this case it is benign.

I’m having the same problem when i try to call an RPC from an inventory item:

void AItem::OnPickedUp(class AMyCharacter * Character)

	if (PickupSound)
		UGameplayStatics::PlaySoundAtLocation(this, PickupSound, GetActorLocation());

	if (Role < ROLE_Authority)

The ServerOnPickedUp_Implementation is not called and generates that warning. Even if i set the owner of the item to the character a few seconds before calling this i still get the same problem. What am i doing wrong?