Crawling character collision

I’m trying to get my third-person character to crawl through a gap.
How could I handle the collision and change the root capsule component of the character to adjust to the new body pose (crawl position)?

Hi Nairam,

the way I’m handling it now is just change the half height of the capsule… (+ changing relative offset of the mesh) so he can crawl underneath obstacles… However, this doesnt seem like a good solution because now I can crawl half way inside other meshes…

I guess the easiest would be to swap the capsule of the movement component with a box… but that’s not supported (yet?) in blueprints…

What’s your solution at the moment and did you find anything better, have better ideas?

Hi dj_joey,
I’m using a special collision channel for every object the character should crawl under and change the collision response of the capsule component from block to ignore and back to block. Not a very elegant solution but it works for now. It really is a pitty we can’t easily swap out the capsule collision component during runtime (and in blueprints) to a different shape without screwing up the whole movement/collision mechanism of the character.

Hi dj_joey,

I have set up a custom collision channel and assigned it to every mesh the capsule would collide with while crawling under and change the collision response from the capsule from block to ignore and then back to block. Not a very elegant solution but it works for now. It really is a pitty that we cannot change the capsule collision to a different shape during runtime (and in blueprints) without screwing up the character movement mechanism.