BP Class Viewport: All collision/meshes invisible..?

Hey champs,
I am currently baffled as to why none of my components like collision spheres or even the static mesh of my BP show up in the viewport or in the editor window. I’m guessing I forgot to check some box but I’ve been searching around for an hour now and nothing is working. It was working at one point! But no longer!

Note: I did initially paste some collision components from another actor, but when I went to save the level it gave me external depency stuff related to those collision spheres until I simply replaced them with those I built. I think ever since then visibility of collision or mesh has not been working.


Can you take a screenshot of your problem blueprint with the viewport?

Yep, here ya go:

Ahh user error strikes (yet) again!
I had the object being scaled in 3d using random values between… zero and …zero… :}