Problems on cooking to windows Procedural Nature Pack vol. 1

This has happened to 2 users of the pack so far that I have been informed of. Here are the 2 responses of the users.

1 - Im sending this email to ask why i cant build or simply cook to your scene windows in Unreal 4.8.3? With this email im sending a file with the compiling report maybe it can help.

The only thing i changed is that i putted a first person actor to navigate trought the scene.

2 - However, I am unable to package a game with it loaded. I am currently using unreal V4.8.3, and a new test scene (first person game) builds fine, but with the Procedural Nature Pack loaded the builds fail. I’ve attached a text document of the errors I get. Any ideas of how to get this working? I’m particularly trying to use the river spline tool in my project.

And here are the 2 error reports from the pack

  1. Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

  2. Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

  3. Here is another fail specifically from adding the River spline to a blank project all by itself. Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

Any helps would be awesome, thank you!

After taking a quick Grep of one of the cook errors here are the problems:

'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item'. Unknown structure.
'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item2'. Unknown structure.
'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.Temp_struct_V
'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point.Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point'. Unknown structure.
'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Arra
'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item2'. Unknown structure.
'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.Temp_struct_V
'StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point.Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point'. Unknown structure.

Check out these structure references that don’t exist. My guess is that you didn’t include these in the pack. Hope that helps =)

Thanks for the response Devero. Hmm, Could this sort of error happen if I duplicated a Data Array file and renamed it? Could the Engine perhaps be looking for the data array file before I renamed it? Here is another error I just received from someone else. It looks to be the same

[2015.08.27-09.17.16:868][ 0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item’. Unknown structure.
[2015.08.27-09.17.16:869][ 0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.CallFunc_Array_Get_Item2’. Unknown structure.
[2015.08.27-09.17.16:870][ 0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:UserConstructionScript.Temp_struct_Variable2’. Unknown structure.
[2015.08.27-09.17.16:871][ 0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/ProceduralNaturePack/Spline_BluePrints/master_tree_root_spline.master_tree_root_spline_C:Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point.Tree_Twist_Per_Spline_Point’. Unknown structure.