Change time period for FlipBook Node in a Material


I have a flipbook node set up in a material and I want the frame rate to slow down during playback. The texture is a 20x20 and I know everything is set up correctly based on checking multiple tutorials. My issue, is when I adjust the constant for playback rate, it doesn’t seem to play the entire animation. I’m guessing the phase is clamped to 0-1 and I cant change that. So I suppose my actual question is: “How do I change the duration period of the entire FlipBook node and how do I change the framerate?”


The material as it currently stands.

You bang your head long enough, you will figure it out. I solved my own issue. Below is my solution

Time= duration of the animation.
Multiplied by constant which equals the speed at which it plays. The lower the constant, the slower it plays.