Setting up a turntable presentation for a 3D model

Hi Everyone,
i would like to know if someone has a solution for a idea i had…
i´m currently developing a little sidescroller game (works great so far with all the documentation etc.) and would like to great a small turntable like presentation of the 3D models i made so far. I have a Matinee with a animated camera inside on loop so far and thats not bad if i want to record small clips for youtube and such sites but something interactive would be even better ( Der kleine Drache Turntable Prototype - YouTube )

so i you push “A” the rotation goes left, if you push “D” it goes right and zooming with “W” and “S” would be awesome too… i played a little bit around with blueprint and saw that you can play animations normaly and in reverse, something like that connected with the Matinee and triggert by “A” or “D” but i didn´t came close to anything that works ^^"

help and ideas would be very appreciated and i can imagine that something like this could be very useful for presentations… and stuff (at least thats the reason i need it to work, my “game” takes approximately 4 minutes to complete and the turntable presentation would flesh it a little bit out^^)

kind regards

Whats Up BeeHive,

My suggestion for you is to scrap Matinee! Its great for cinematic scenes but may be limiting for a task such as this. The solution I would use for this project is creating a Blueprint that would encase your models. This blueprint would rotate the models at a given rate over time, giving a smooth and consistent change in speed. This would also allow speeding up and slowing down of the turning on the fly.

For the interactions you could then make A & D change the addition to subtraction changing the direction of rotation. Lastly, setting up a camera pointed towards the spawn of the Model. Which will zoom in or zoom out with input from W & S. And if you wanted to add some more interaction, you could allow Clicking and Holding to rotate around the object with the Camera on a Spring Arm.

You’ll be the talk of the block!


Hi there again,
i build a little test-scene for the turntable presentation and it didn´t worked as fell als i hoped :frowning:

with the current blueprint setup i can let my mesh rotate at a giving rate each time i press the “Q” or “E” key, continuously pressing doesnt work… i could let the mesh spin in a loop with event tick, but that doesnt creat the effect like the one i was aiming for (see the video above)

the first thing i need is a constant smooth rotation as long as i press a key. It would be awesome if, somehow, the blueprint would than automaticly adopt the “new” rotation direction and the continuously pressing would speed the rotation a little bit up… if the user would let go of the key the rotation could than go on…

hopefully someone has an idea on how to improve this.


Your input doesn’t work because pressed is only called once. What you need to do is store your input in a variable, then process it using Tick, which is called every frame.

Here’s a network I created, which rotates a chair when pressing LMB or RMB. Note that I’m using the Delta value to multiply the rotation to make sure the rotation rate is constant. If you don’t do this the speed will change depending on framerate. As a result of this, the value I set in Rotation Speed becomes Rotation per Second.

Open the image in a separate tab to see it in full size.

The great presentation she inspired me to work, thank you. I think this is what you need. I also cook something similar.