Behavior Tree Wait task change time runtime?

Hi I have a simple AI that I want to control the attack speed of an enemy unit. Basically giving him some extra time when he has a debuff. But I was wondering if it is possible to change the Wait Task “Wait Time” during runtime? I was wondering If I need to do it in c++ by making a child class wait time and setting it up by myself? Or if it’s a better way to do it in blueprint.

I kind of made it work with a service where in code I can change the Interval time but when doing it in the Behavior Tree the time is almost double to what I set.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I got it working with “Wait Blackboard Time” and setting up the certain time in code. So now it works as it should.

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OH! It helped me! Thank you very much !!! “Wait Blackboard Time” :slight_smile: