How does one clamp a rotating object to follow the mouse?

I’m having a bit of an issue trying to comprehend how to interact with a rotating object. I can send images of my blueprints as well but I thought I’d field this question because I’m likely to be out of left field.

The way I am approaching it is by following the approach in the Adding Interaction tutorial @ :

I create a static mesh that is movable and has an Event tick that is cause the mesh to rotate. I added a blueprint interface function to call from the Player Character Blueprint from a single Trace. I usually use the CE_Game, Player Character, and the Physics Demo controller files from the Demo Room in the content examples because it allows for picking up objects by migrating the files. I have since realized this is too complicated an approach for my level , I need to start simple.

The interaction tutorial is clear as to setting up an object for linear interaction but I’m a bit lost as to how to approach rotation. Let’s say on the Z-axis.