Unable to download unreal engine

Dear all,

I am righting this post as I cannot install unreal engine and couldn’t find any solutions after looking it up everywhere.

I have installed correctly epic games launcher several times, it seems to work properly but when I go to library and try to install unreal engine 4.8, I get the following error:

I already tried to create exceptions on my firewall or even desactivate it, but nothing seems to work.

For your info I am in Switzerland and connected by ethernet cable.

Thanx for your help.

Hi Ric0la,

Thanks for trying the Firewall solution first, make sure to also try the other steps in this section of the troubleshooting guide.

If nothing works, follow the steps here to generate your Debug Logs. Then post them here, along with your Dxdiag (system specs).

Thank you for your quick answer,

I already tried the steps in the troubleshooting guide, but here are my Axdiag and Debug logs link text

link text

Thank you for your quick answer,

I already tried the steps in the troubleshooting guide, but here are my Axdiag and Debug logs
link text

can pls anyone help me?

I have made our Launcher team aware of the issue and they are investigating. It may take some time, please bear with us.

ok thx for the feedback

Hi Ric0la,

I’ve taken a look at your logs and it shows that you keep failing to connect to one of our services. As a test could you try clicking on this link:

It should open in your browser and display a server response, could you paste the response you get here.


here is the answer I get:
“app” : “launcher”,
“moduleName” : “Epic-Launcher-PublicService”,
“branch” : “Release”,
“buildDate” : “2015-08-11T17:48:54.653Z”,
“modules” : {
“epic-common-core” : {
“branch” : “Release”,
“buildDate” : “2015-08-11T01:29:03.105Z”,
“build” : “2”,
“cln” : “2650508”,
“version” : “0.27”
“epic-module-CloudStorage-Core” : {
“branch” : “TRUNK”,
“buildDate” : “2015-08-11T01:53:29.596Z”,
“build” : “405”,
“cln” : “2615927”,
“version” : “UNKNOWN”
“serverDate” : “2015-09-11T14:01:23.555Z”,
“build” : “30”,
“cln” : “2651386”,
“overridePropertiesVersion” : “unknown”,
“version” : “2.5”

Thanks for the help

Hey Ric0la,

Can I just double check that you are not behind a proxy, you can check this by clicking this link

Then can you click this link again, and check that there is a green lock symbol showing in the URL bar of your browser. (Google Chrome would display a green lock symbol, other browsers differ. Please describe the result)

Finally can you also try following the steps outlined here, to add -wininet to your commandline. Could you run the launcher with this and then post up a zip file of your logs again.

Hello again Barnabas,

I am not using a proxy as I get this answer for the link you sent me :“It seems you have come from an IPv6 address and no proxyserver is found.”

For the secound step I am not really sure about which link you are talking, for the link of this page I indeed have a green lock but not for the proxy test.

And finally here are the logs after I followed the step to add -wininet to my commandline link text

Thank you again for the support. I relly look forward to play the game :stuck_out_tongue:

It is slightly unusual to have an IPv6 setup, is this something you specifically setup yourself?

Apologies regarding my previous post, the link I was referring to was this:

Unfortunately I must have forgotten to add the link formatting.

Can you do the following steps:

  1. Add -debuglogging to your existing commandline (with the -http=wininet)
  2. Run the launcher
  3. Attempt to reproduce your issue
  4. Let the launcher run for at least 10 minutes
  5. Close the launcher
  6. Re-upload the newly generated logs.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi Ric0la,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try the suggestion that Barnabas mentioned above. Then post back here with the requested info.
