My project won't compile in 4.9- "redefined extern to static" error


I have an error trying to compile 4.9;

Error	1	error C4211: nonstandard extension used : redefined extern to static	c:\users\robbie\documents\unreal projects\rrdevelop\source\rrdevelop\SensorMeshComponent.h	15	1	RRDevelop

The same error appears for line 17 in the same class. Line 15 and 17 are;

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam (FSensorStartHitSignature, USensorMeshComponent*, HitSensor);

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam (FSensorEndHitSignature, USensorMeshComponent*, HitSensor);

These lines have been there prob since about 4.5. Any ideas whats wrong?


I’ve commented out the delegate wrappers that were declared before delegates;

// void FSensorStartHitSignature_DelegateWrapper(const FMulticastScriptDelegate& SensorStartHitSignature, class USensorMeshComponent* HitSensor);
// void FSensorEndHitSignature_DelegateWrapper(const FMulticastScriptDelegate& SensorEndHitSignature, class USensorMeshComponent* HitSensor);

Now it compiles…