Build Error on First UE 4.9 Project


So, I am using Unreal Engine for the first time and I was following the 3rd Person Battery Game tutorial, but I am getting build errors that she does not address in the tutorial! Can anyone help? Details below.

  • Using VS2013 Community with VS SDK and UnrealVS Extension (some other extensions too).
  • Got error when building when adding UPROPERTY(), but UFUNCTION() seems to be fine.
  • Build error was that Unreal Header Tool fail and Build.bat exited with code -1. (Other Compiler Errors (5) comes up occasionally)
  • So I tried to do a rebuild and now UCLASS() isn’t recognized.
  • UnrealVS extension ‘Refresh’ button is grayed out for some reason, so I can’t regenerate the project files to see if that fixes it.

Thanks in advance.

I did find that from Windows Explorer I can fix the last two bullet points by right-clicking and choosing Generate Project Files. Still haven’t fixed the UPROPERTY compiler error.