What am I doing wrong with my post process shader?

I tried making a post process effect that simply inverts the color of the scene but It doesn’t seem to be working correctly. Am I missing something, or is this a bug?

material editor

without effect

with effect

how it should look

Thanks for the suggestion of using the minusone node, I’d been looking for something like that. I’m still getting the exact same result as before unfortunately.

Do you have other materials in the Post Process chain? Try setting the Scene Texture to Scene Color instead of PostProcessInput0.

You should be able to just take the color output, run it through a One Minus node, and then straight into Emissive, instead of doing each one individually. One Minus basically subtracts its input from 1, inverting the color.

I tried this out with SceneColor and got weird results. SceneColor actually uses a lower quality copy of the scene. You should be using PostProcessInput0. Sorry for the misleading information. With SceneTexture(PostProcessInput0) going into a OneMinus and then directly into emissive, I was able to get the expected result, i.e. the same as inverting it in Photoshop.
See if that works for you.