Shooter sample crashing

I’m trying to play through the shooter sample, and it continues to crash. If I download a fresh copy, open it up, then click play or simulate, it will work for about 8 seconds, then exit out of rocket and close completely.

Also, is it possible to have the solutions to these samples too, so that we can tamper with the code and really get a feel for how it works?


Hey Dave,

Thanks for your report! We’d like to help narrow down what may be causing your crash in ShooterGame–could you provide us with your system specifications?



You can generate the solution for any project by

  1. right clicking on the .uasset
  2. clicking Generate Visual Studio Files

I dont know why it’s crashing for you, after I download a fresh install it does not crash for me (and never has)

What happens if you run the game using the Launch Game from the same picture below, from the .uasset?

Good luck!


I had no idea I could do that.

Thank you! I’ll give it a try tonight.

I’m not sure about the crashing either. Even more odd – Whether I try to play the shooter project, or just have the project loaded in Rocket, it will crash after 8 seconds. Odd.

Setting up Rocket project files…
Discovering modules, targets and source code…
UnrealBuildTool Exception: ERROR: Unable to create directory ‘C:\Program Files\Rocket\Samples\ShooterGame\Intermediate\BuildData\BuildRules\RocketProjectFileGeneratorModuleRules.dll’ for intermediate assemblies (Exception: Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\Rocket\Samples\ShooterGame\Intermediate\BuildData\BuildRules
’ is denied.)
GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files
Press any key to continue . . .

I received this error when trying to do what Nathan suggested. I thought this was odd, considering I’m Admin and this was on my C drive, but then I thought:

“This folder is within the rocket folder. Perhaps things within rocket are locked down?”

Which would explain why I couldn’t save changes to my assets in the game earlier. I brought this folder to my desktop, and it worked fine.

Has anyone experienced this before?

Hey Dave,

We’d like to investigate this particular issue further, would you mind separating this portion of your post into a new thread so we can provide better tracking and assignment?



Sure thing.