How to use the UMG Widget 'Set Mouse Position' Blueprints Node?

Can someone please provide and example for using the UMG Widget [Set Mouse Position][2] Blueprints Node?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Pretty much got answered on another question, 1st image in answer

Centre Mouse Cursor

Yeah so I dont have to type it out again see my anwer there for some ideas, installing ramas extra bp nodes victory plugin would be your best bet or creating a C++ bp function library using the code hes posted on the forums or from the plugin because it doess exactly what you want. No stock node to set mouse position.

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Your node your showing is taking in a vector2d (x,y) so you want to get viewport size/divide by 2 to get center and then make vector 2d node to plug in.

One way to cheat is to lock the cursor everytime it hits that specific vector2d with the lock mouse node but I dont know if that would work even