Cant find the "Set Control Rotation" blueprint function

I’m doing the tutorial for Endless Runner with Blueprints, and here is the first video

“1 - Introduction & Player Control”

But I cant find the “Set Control Rotation” function the video shows in 8:00

There is a “Get Control Rotation” but I think they are different

What is the replacement for “Set Control Rotation” in 4.9?

Well… The problem is that I cant find “Set Control Rotation” blue print function in in 4.9

I was able to find that node in 4.9


Make sure youre typing with spaces and from Return Value node

You may have trouble finding the node if you don’t drag off of the “Get Player Controller” node as the “Set Control Rotation” node only applies to objects of type Controller. So don’t right click in blank space to find Set Control Rotation, just left click and drag from the return value pin on Get Player Controller the way the demonstrator does in the video.

I have Found the problem…

My “Context sensitive” is checked…

And I have no idea why it hide the function

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and you are right too. I did right click insted of drag it from the return value

While you can select much more with “context sensitive” off, Unreal does an excellent job of filtering out selections where they don’t apply. It’s valuable to leave context sensitive on and learn to select from the right context, as it weeds out a lot of items you’re not looking for.

Thank, I don’t know why it just wont give me “Get Player Controller” with the “context sensitive” checked… I’m pretty sure this time I click and drag the line from the “Get Control Rotation” → “Return Value”