cook fail due to AnimGraphNode_RotationMultiplier


I’m getting a cooking error while exporting a car game. I’ve narrowed down the problem to be the “Apply a percentage of rotation” Node in my animation blueprint. I’m using it to drive the rotation of the steering wheel based on the turning of the wheels.

In 4.8 this worked perfectly fine even during export, and in 4.9 it still works in the editor, i can see the steering wheel turning. But whenever i try exporting, i get a cook fail.

Is this a known problem ? any suggestions for a way arround it ?

[2015.09.03-06.40.58:758][ 0]LogProperty:Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/QCity/Tesla/TeslaAnimBlueprint.TeslaAnimBlueprint_C:AnimGraphNode_RotationMultiplier_AF353684404015AB7E334BA113FB05FA’. Unknown structure.
[2015.09.03-06.40.58:758][ 0]LogAnimation:Warning: Invalid animation root node index 4 on ‘/Game/QCity/Tesla/TeslaAnimBlueprint.TeslaAnimBlueprint_C’ (only 4 nodes)
[2015.09.03-06.41.00:986][ 0]LogOutputDevice: === Handled error: ===

I have a similar problem while attempting to compile the project in Visual Studio. I’ve managed to narrow it down to a Transform (modify) Bone node in my anim graph, but I don’t understand why this would cause it to fail. Why is there even a 5th index item in the first place?