Matinee bug with custom component?

Here’s the setup:

  • I have a blueprint class derived from actor (“TestActor”), that I attach a cube component.
  • I’ve created a custom component that saves a file “cmp_created” on component creation and saves a file “cmp_dosth” when I execute a function from that component, say “DoSomething()
  • I add the component to TestActor in the blueprint editor, and I set it to auto-activate
  • I connect the DoSomething() function to EventBeginPlay() of TestActor

In editor, it plays fine, and both files are created
In matinee movie, none of the files are created (So, the component is not created at all??)
If I disconnect DoSomething() from EventBeginPlay and I run matinee movie, only “cmp_created” is created

Question: is this a bug, or there is something magical that I need to do in order to use a custom component at BeginPlay when using Matinee?

Hello BabisK,

So there a bit more information that I need from you.

1.) Will you link a screenshot of how you have your BP set up and how you are calling Matinee.
2.) Will you link a screenshot of matinee and the editor where the files are/are not being created.
3.) Do you have a director track added inside of matinee.

I suspect that you are not calling the files to be created inside of matinee. However, with the above questions I should be able to narrow down the list of possibilities.

Thank you,

Hello BabisK,

Due to inactivity and tracking purposes I will be marking this thread as closed. If you are still having a problem then please post again. I will then continue to investigate this issue at that time.

Thank you,