[Bug]Collision with trigger box

When I place a trigger box in the world it blocks the player.

I have it setup up so that the player has a different collision, both the collision capsule and the mesh are the same:


This is a trigger box which was in my project before 4.9:


This is how I have my collision for the trigger box that doesn’t work setup:


Both are setup exactly the same way yet one works and one doesn’t, the one that does work, gives this error when I open my project:

  • Error /Game/Levels/Level1 : Failed
    import for BillboardComponent

This is how I have setup the default handling for the custom collisions:

Hi MrGoatsy,

I haven’t been able to get your results. Could you create a small test project that showcases the issue?

Just walk in the trigger box, you will see that you will collide with it:

Hi MrGoatsy,

I’m sorry that it’s been a few days but I was able to reproduce this after referencing your project. I’ve created JIRA UE-21019 for the issue and our developers will be investigating the issue further.

As for a workaround, you could either use a custom object collision for the trigger or use an Actor class blueprint with a collision box instead.
