Convert Selected to Blueprint, deletes properties

I am new to learning UE4 and have found nothing helping me with this process/issue.

Problem: When I try to create a composite blueprint with “Convert Selected Compoments/Actor to Blueprint Class”, it clears/deletes the values for the properties I have set on those components, and I have no idea why. It also only clears some of them; for example it keeps XYZ of position, but deleted XYZ of rotation (re-setting those values back to 0).


  • I have a “THING” blueprint that has 2 static plane meshes back-to-back, like a 2-sided piece of paper. There is a material applied to each mesh so the object is visible.
  • I place several of these THINGs into the scene.
  • I select all the THINGs and choose “Convert Selected Components to Blueprint Class”


  • The THING instances disappear, replaced with the new Blueprint Actor I just created.
  • Nothing is visible
  • Upon inspecting the components on the Blueprint Actor, some of the properties are reverted back to default value: mesh is null, material is null, rotation is 0,0,0


  • UE4 does not revert properties that I have already set.

I cannot find any mention of this issue or of what I may be doing incorrect. Any advice is appreciated.

It would appear to either be a bug, or your thinking too much like the Unity prefab workflow. Its best to create your blueprint ffrom scratch and adding components etc. in the bljueprint graph editor.

Unreal will revert properties/variables that dont have a default valjue other than 0/null/NaN

Some pics would help if you require more assistance.

try upgrading to 4.9 huge bljueprint and content browser upgrades as well as a redesign of references/assets/assetids

If this cleared it up for you dont forget to accept an answer so people can find the answer they needed when searching/googleing later.

Hi. Did you figure out how to preserve properties?