Mouse cursor invisible after seamless travel

I’ve have a strange problem in my game. It’s a multiplayer game with a gamelobby for game preplanning stuff, when players are ready they get transferred to the gameboard, then I execute the following lines:

//GameInstance, run on server
GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode()->bUseSeamlessTravel = true;

After that my mouse cursor disappears. I can push UMG-buttons, and then the mouse cursor appear until i press somwhere in the 3D-world and it disappears again.

If I do not use Seamless Travel it all works fine with the mouse.

Do I need to rerun any methods or such in the gamemode class that doesn’t get executed during the Seamless travels?

I found a solution right after i posted this question.
It seems like something get messed up with the cursor type.

Easy fix: Set mouse cursor to “Default” or something else.

Hah! That seems to have fixed my issue completely as well! This probably should be filed as a bug. I’d been trying to debug my blueprints for the past 30ish minutes thinking I’d broken something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good find!

Thanks mate, I’ve experiencing some issues related to seamless travels(how do i debug? for example when PIE not supports it). The hardest challenge for me atm is keeping data in playerstate between seamless travels. Can’t wrapp myself around what i’m doing wrong.

I’m having the same issue with losing the mouse cursor in the game after seamless travel but don’t quite understand your solution. Where do we set the mouse cursor to “Default” ?

Ah just figured out what you meant. For anyone else stuck on this, add this to your Blueprint after the seamless travel has occured (in your player controller).

What if the cursor disappears while the mouse is held down but comes back when released?
For me the cursor only disappears if the map has been loaded from lobby … if launched directly, everything is normal.