Blueprint - Lighting static mesh problem

What exactly is wrong with the lighting?

Moving objects can only use dynamic lighting, static lighting just wouldn’t work with them because when they move the shadows will be in the wrong places.

Hi. I have made a blueprint to open a door when you press a key and it works fine. The problem is the lighting when I build the scene. I tried to set the static mesh mobility to “static”, but the problem is that doesn’t work, the door doesn’t rotate. Any solution?


The door would be like the door frame. It should be built like “static”.

And how can I get a result like the left door (static mesh only)?

What lights do you have in the scene?

Static lights.
Now, I’m trying this: Movable door blueprint lightmap - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums

It works now!
Solved with this: Movable door blueprint lightmap - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums

Glad to hear it solved!