Code priority in blueprint?

I have an actor blueprint with a trigger box component that read a boolean called “spawn” that can be accessed by any actor.

The code basically goes, if spawn = true and player crossed the trigger box then enable visibility and set “spawn” boolean to false. Simple enough.

Now what if I have 2 instances of that actor with the trigger boxes set in the same coordinates, logically one of them would take priority and set spawn to false which would make the second one read the spawn boolean as falseand not execute its code but is that indeed the case? or will they both pass the code and both end up setting the spawn variable to false at the same time?

I mean if it was written in code, it would be clear that the first one to execute the code would prioritize, But with blueprints i dont know

Cant you just add a print string to each event and find out?

That would only tell me IF it priories but the I’m more interested in, how does it prioritize?

Theres a really great explination here Blueprint Compiler Overview | Unreal Engine Documentation

and some of the engine devs go into more technial details if your interested on the forums if you google around.

But the simple answer is whichever one is created first. This can be totally random, or if you had some sort of delay it could be random or intended.

There really is no presidence if they were both at 0.000000 in x,y,z loc,rot and 1.0000000 scale however you can change input priotiry to brings input based kismet events to the top of the call stack this is in the class defaults of the BP if I remember corrrected, or maybe when you select an input based node.

Very theereotical question who I bleive no one could really answer for real except an engine dev who works specifically on blueprint class creation (myClass_C_31 vs myClass_C30 prescience I guess)

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