How to remove visual "plume"?


I have some visual effect in my game - something like “plume” (?) from moving objects.
For example - video with “plume” after character: UE4Editor 2015 09 06 13 36 37 78 - YouTube

How to remove this effect?

Thank you!

Well, good news, there isn’t a default effect produces such a result!

I would say you are using Mac and your computer is not the best…may be windows, idk…But with low specs Mac you can get such a result.

But in general, if you wanted to disable the default effects, you can do that from :

Edit → Project Settings → Default Postprocessing Settings

As shown in the image, all of them are active by default, disable them and try your luck!



My PC specs:
CPU: i7-4500U 2.4GHz


Nvidia GeForce GT 740M

If it’s not effects - what is it?

I found, that the same effect will be show in UEs “Third Person” example, if I will add to it landscape with grass material.

Example - landscape without mat - looks good: UE4Editor 2015 09 06 14 15 41 94 - YouTube

And example with “plume” - when landscape has grass mat - UE4Editor 2015 09 06 14 16 51 77 - YouTube

If it’s not defaults and my PC is weak - how to remove this with my current PC specs?

Sorry to say, but your computer is lower than the minimum requirements, and I would say that you are going to see that with any Unreal project…

Have you seen it before with 4.8 or 4.7 for instance?



In 4.7 and 4.8.

But another games, that are based on UE - haven’t such plume on my PC…
Interesting, how they removed it?

It is weird now…!

Have you tried to disable any PostProcessVolume within the scene?


I haven’t any PostProcessVolume or similar Volumes within the scene…

For example, I cut out everything that is not necessary for Third Person example and started it - plue still showing:

Video: UE4Editor 2015 09 07 21 37 45 77 - YouTube

Okay, I was able to kinda reproduce this, but in a different way…It seems a renderer bug for me now.

Could you upload a basic project has the issue to dropbox?

What I’ve found so far, if the surface behind the character has a texture, then you can see the bug!

Also try to assign a default material without any textures, just a color, to all the meshes around, and see how it looks like.



I haven’t dropbox, I shared my project here:

This project is modified version of the “Third Person” example. with added Landscape. Material for the Lanscape is in the PlumeTest/Content/NewFolder/NewMaterial.

I can’t change mats for Landscape, because I haven’t UE on local PC.

Can you test my project? Is it UE bug or not?

As expected,a renderer bug :smiley:

It done the same for me, but changing the ground terrain to material only without the texture, it ran fine.

check the difference



the other one:



OK, and what we (or I) can do to fix that?

Bug report :slight_smile:


Done [BUG] Possible renderer bug - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums !

Yep, it’s a bug: [BUG] Possible renderer bug - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums