Enable character to do something with trigger box

hey guys, what i want to know is how can i enable my character to do something (like a vault animation) with a trigger box, example: out of the trigger box my char do a normal jump, but when i’m inside the trigger box and my speed > 0 my char do a vault animation… how can i do that??

you need to use the “Even Begin Overlap” and “Event End Overlap”.

they are (among other events) are listed in this page:

But for the best practice, you can follow this quick tutorials from Epic’s channel:



ok, now i’m stuck, i’ve done all this and i’ve got here,

what variable can i put in that branch?? or should i do in a different way??

Which branch you mean in “that branch…” ?

And what is the result now? what is the hit wall ?


i figured out how to do, thanks :smiley:

How did you do it?
I am trying to do something similar, I would really appreciate some help.