Get Overlaping Actors to return a typed list if Class filter is set

Feature request…

Get Overlapping Actors nodes could really return a typed list of type Class when the Class filter is set.

It’s silly to have a list of actors, for which the first you have to do, is a foreachcast to type → push into another collection.

Alternatively, if that’s not possible, there could be a Cast List to Typed List node that would blindly convert a list of actors to a list of Class.


STAFF, could anyone write this up or comment please? Ta!

The best way to get ideas and feedback like this to Epic is actually the forum.

Specifically the “Feedback for Epic” section.

There is staff here on the Blueprint Scripting Answerhub but they usually check by to help people with specific issues rather than queries like this.


Thanks. If I don’t hear anything for a while I will post on the forum.