I Cannot Download UE4

Getting this error message from cloudfront when I try to download…

Request could not be satisfied

Been trying for about an hour constantly.

Chrome gave an error about this download saying: “UnrealEngineInstaller-1.0.0-2039063.msi is malicious, and Chrome has blocked it.” Since this isn’t from the Unreal site, I’m going to go ahead and not trust it.

You just need to allow it. It’s safe its how I dealt with this issue.

I got this problem too for mac version.
Seem it not fix yet but someone can get it.
Keep trying.

Windows version is working now but for mac still got “The request could not be satisfied.”

Because multiple reports of this issue have been made, we are going to focus our responses to the post here:

Cannot download UnrealEngineInstaller.msi - Getting Started & Setup - Epic Developer Community Forums

Closing this post to avoid any confusion. Thanks.