Cannot download UnrealEngineInstaller.msi

I am getting an error while trying to download the installer:

The request could not be satisfied.

I have tried both the Account and Billing download buttons. I have tried right clicking and saving the link, which tells me - “Failed - Server problem”

Also I am using Chrome and have tried IE to no avail.

Any suggestions?


Working for me now, awesome!

Many guys have those problems right at the moment, so I think epic games have some server problems. :wink:

Just try it again in some minutes/hours and then probably it will work. For this users it was working after some time/clicks: https://answers.unrealengine/questions/29864/download-error.html

Hello everyone, we are aware of this download issue which occurred a few hours ago.

Please let us know if this issue is still occurring for you for either the Windows or the Mac download.

Thank you.

Still working intermittently for me. Currently down for me as of 7:53 AM EST US

If it helps ISP is Verizon FIOS MD/DC area

Both Win and Mac

Still down!


As of 9:15 AM EDT we’ve corrected a problem that may have been causing this. Please try again and let us know if this is solved.


I just clicked the download link and now it is working! Thanks for the quick turnaround on that one :slight_smile: