How to use customized UV in mobile UMG?


I’m using 4.9 version . and develop for mobile game.

I know in 4.9 version UMG material domain must use User Interface.

So, I fixed textures setup for UMG. like this


and setup material , put on my UMG & level blueprint. this material made by simple panner node.
I confirmed everything works as intended mobile preview on monitor.

and I build it my mobile Device, At start, it works well. but over time it seemed strangely.
panner didn’t works well. It turns looks like block.

My coworker says, “You can fix it using customized UV”
but I can’t find customized UV in material domain ‘user interface’.

How to use customized UV in mobile UMG?


You need enable Fraction Part in Panner node.

This is screenshots from Galaxy S2


After 3 minutes and Fractional Part - Disable

After 3 minutes and Fractional Part - Enable

Thank you for your help !!
This material looks like a block issue has been resolved.
But as time goes by slow Problem is still exist.
How to use customized UV in mobile UMG?