Downloading never finishes

Now, after getting beaten up by Code 5 error, this is next Enemy…It wont initiate download. I am watching this window, from past 5 hours. I am certainly **


I am certainly “Not Feeling Lucky”.

Hi Vinayill,

Please take a look at our [Launcher Troubleshooting Guide][1] and see if any of information there helps. In particular, try section titled, “[ Launcher is unable to download content][2]”.

If nothing there helps, please get your dxdiag and launcher logs as described at bottom of guide, and post them here. Thank you!

[2]: #The_Launcher_is_unable_to_download_content

Hi ,

I had to restart my Mac after getting stuck on Downloading window. But Launcher link textwas not quitting, I tried Force quitting but it didn’t do anything. So basically my Mac got unresponsive, and I had to force shutdown. Not even once, twice. Either Launcher or Yosemite, has bug. Launcher takes more than 40 minutes to go to download window. Something is spooky behind these softwares and their codings. I don’t trust it man. My world is falling apart…Save me !

HI Vinayill,

Make sure you also include Debug Logs that mentioned above. You can find more info on how to generate them here.

Hi Vinayill,

We haven’t heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you’re still experiencing this issue, please try suggestion that I mentioned above. Then post back here with requested info.
