Source code dependencies

About an year ago this official tutorial video to compile editor in VS 2013 showed; that dependencies are downloaded through 3 separate links on official release page.

However I don’t see that and I have read that only way dependencies can be downloaded is through Setup.Bat file which can be upto 4 GB

I can’t find any external links to download dependencies… are they available anywhere ?? 4GB is a huge download and I don’t want my internet connection to screw up a download due to slow connection or connection drop etc.

Please help.

Hi Legendster,

If you download source code file, it will include Setup.bat file you need. Running that will get you dependencies. All instructions for setting up your source code build are on GitHub page if you scroll down.

Hope that helps!

You didn’t get question perhaps. I was if there are external links to download dependencies like it was there about a year ago. (As seen in vid)

I know hitting Setup.bat through commandline will begin huge 3400+ mb download but for people like me a slow internet connection could screw that up.

I have failed to clone repo for 4 times in a row since I have posted this question.

Ah. No, there aren’t external links for those anymore. only way to get those dependencies is through Setup.bat file.