AnimGraph not present after retargetting a AnimBP


So basically these are these are the steps to repro this issue :

  1. Create a AnimBP which uses AnimInstance as a base class.
  2. Retarget this AnimBP to a different skeleton.

Is there a work around where I can have multiple characters with different ABPs have some sort of base AnimClass as they might have some common Animation behaviour I want to set up using Blueprints.

Thanks !

Hi darkZ

I followed your repro steps, but the Anigraph was present in both the original and retargeted version of the AnimBP as shown in the image below. If this is not what you are describing, please clarify with new repro steps and a screen shot if possible. Thanks!

Thank you for help.

I see that your original ABP has AnimInstance as its parent class. Can you have it so that it uses a dervied class of AnimInstance as its parent class ? And then follow the repro steps as before ?

So for your example perhaps create a child class of your left BP. And then try to retarget that ? Does that still produce an AnimGraph for you in the retargeted ABP ?

Hi darkZ

I followed your instructions and created a Child of the “ASPAnimInstance” character shown above and found even without retargeting, the AnimGraph was not present in the child. Hence, I have used this to generate the following bug report: JIRA [UE-20941].

When this is addressed, we will add an update to this post. Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention!

Just to clarify, did you create native child of AnimInstance(native class child)? Or child anim BP from other anim BP?

If you create child anim BP from other anim BP, you won’t have AnimGraph and that is by design. All child anim BP can do is to override animation,. You can’t modify AnimGraph.

Even if you retarget, it will be still child anim BP. Is this what you referring to?


Hey Lina,

Good to see you here.

I am retargetting a ChildBP(let’s call this class B) from other AnimBP (class A which in turn derives from AnimInstance), so what you seem to be saying is that this is not a bug but by design. Although for the class B I could still see the AnimBP, it just disappears when I retarget B to a different skeleton. This is what surprised me.

PS : Did you get the chance to check your forum private messages ? I sent you an animation tech. demo there which I thought you might find interesting !

Hi darkZ,

An animation blueprint that derives from another blueprint should never have an AnimGraph. (You’d only get one if you derive from a native instance class, either UAnimInstance or your own native class derived from UAnimInstance).

If you have managed to have an animation blueprint derived from another blueprint that had an animation graph, this is definitely a bug.

If this is the case, can you send a sample project containing just the relevant assets in question. You can send them in a zip file as an attachment here, via Dropbox, or in a private message to me on the .
