Tick after Physics has run?

I have a Pawn which is essentially just a camera. This camera tracks with other Pawn(s) which are PhysicsActors. The problem I’m running into is that the camera updates before the physics has moved the camera’s target so the camera is a frame behind and the camera’s target is not centered in the view.

I know I can use a ‘Set Tick Dependency’ node to make sure my camera ticks after my camera’s target, but these ticks still occur before the physics system has moved the target. I saw a documentation page describing needing to create Tick Groups to solve this very issue, but it doesn’t describe how this is achieved.

Any help would be appreciated (a Blueprint solution would be preferred, but C++ solution would work, too)!

Check out AActorSetTickGroup & UActorComponent::SetTickGroup. Apply this to the Actor or Component and it should specify what TickGroup they’re in. You’re probably looking for TG_PostPhysics as the Tickgroup.