No Google Play Store Key

If i uncheck package game data inside apk option and try to play my game in my android phone it gets this error if i check package game data inside apk option my game can be played in my phone but it size becomes too large like 230 mb but if i uncheck this option its size is 30 mb and i think that is the normal size i want to add my game to google play can anyone help me

Error clearly tells you that OBB file is missing, when you uncheck “package game data inside apk” the game data insted of APK goes to seperate OBB file which need to be included with the game. Do you see it in directory that have APK file?

yes i can but i dont want :smiley: no one will download 230 mb game and its actually a simpile game :smiley:

Then your question is how to shrink your game :stuck_out_tongue: you should look up flappy chicken example, i think they manage to shrink it well.

When you try to package tappy chicken it goes out 77mb but in the google play its 29 mb how did they do that :smiley: and is there a chanse that google play does not need obb it fulfill that need with google play services

I know they did some hackish thing to do so. I think they modified build scripts or maybe manually removed unused things from data files

if we can not solve the problem about obb actually there is no point of making games to android in ue4 because its size is too big is there any way to add my game without obb files

If your application has OBB files that need to be downloaded, this is done via a request to the Application Licensing Service, to which your app must supply the correct credentials.

Go to the “Services and APIs” section of the Google Play Developer Console, copy the Base64-encoded license key found on that page, and paste it into YourProjectDir/Build/Android/src/your/bundle/identifier/ between the quotes on the line that declares BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY.

The line you’re looking for is:

private static final String BASE64_PUBLIC_KEY = "";

Package and resubmit your app to the store, and your application should then be able to download the OBB file.

I am having the same problem. Even after pasting the Base64-encoded license key and re-packaging and submitting. Any ideas why?

Not works for me