Box collision bug in blueprint

So , i have a simple door in my BP with a box collision. The box collision is referenced by a “begin overlap” and one “end overlap” in my BP. The trigger activate when the player reach the trigger volume. So far, so good. But, if my player fire your weapon, the trigger act like a wall, and this should not happen, because this trigegr is set up to “overlap all dynamic”. How can i fix that ?

See the video below:

trigger bug?

Epic, any comment about this?

This has happened me too, I tried a bunch of different collision settings but no luck.

Seems a big problem to me.I have this issue since 4.8.3 and i fix that (in 4.8.3) by creating custom colision and custom trace channel…but, if you plan to release a marketplace content, this becomes a BIG problem

Hey buscas31,

So the main issue here is that your gun is actually firing a blueprint with a custom collision component, instead of a simple static mesh. In order to get your projectile to pass through the collision box, you need to modify the collision of the projectile blueprint.

First Person Projectile - Collision Component

Hopefully this resolves your issues, but let me know if you still have questions.

Thank you,

Or you simple can do this: (i discovered this right now)


Anyway, tks alot Andrew!