4.8.3 -> 4.9 Problems

Hello, i have upgraded to 4.9 and they see me this error :

Erreur 16 error : Module rules for ‘Etherion’ should not be dependent on modules which are also dynamically loaded: OnlineSubsystemSteam E:\Etherion\Etherion\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\EXEC Etherion

I already rebuild the engine and the project.

Hey -

Where are you seeing this error? Does it appear when you open the project or when compiling in visual studio? If possible could you post the 4.8 version of the project so I can try upgrading it on my end?


I have worked on 4.8.3, and try to open it on 4.9.

I have compiled the engine from VS13, work, but trying to migrate is not working

Are you having an issue with getting the 4.9 engine to run or are you having problems moving a specific project from 4.8.3 to 4.9? If you are having problems with a project, could you post the 4.8.3 project for me to test?

Moving 4.8.3 to 4.9.

** modified for more clarity

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "Etherion.h"
#include "ItemData.h"

UItemData::UItemData(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)
	Name = GetName(); //make the human-readable name the same as the asset name

void UItemData::PostRename(UObject* OldOuter, const FName OldName)
	Name = GetName(); //make the human-readable name the same as the asset name

Result me this errors :

  1. Erreur 1 error C2059: erreur de syntaxe : ‘chaîne’ E:\Etherion\Etherion\Source\Etherion\ItemData.cpp 7 1 Etherion

  2. Erreur 2 error C2143: erreur de syntaxe : absence de ‘,’ avant ‘&’ E:\Etherion\Etherion\Source\Etherion\ItemData.cpp 7 1 Etherion

  3. Erreur 3 error C2059: erreur de syntaxe : ‘&’ E:\Etherion\Etherion\Source\Etherion\ItemData.cpp 7 1 Etherion

  4. Erreur 4 error C2511: ‘UItemData::UItemData(const FObjectInitializer (__cdecl *)(void))’ : impossible de trouver la fonction membre surchargée dans ‘UItemData’ E:\Etherion\Etherion\Source\Etherion\ItemData.cpp 8 1 Etherion

  5. Erreur 5 error C2065: ‘PCIP’ : identificateur non déclaré E:\Etherion\Etherion\Source\Etherion\ItemData.cpp 8 1 Etherion

  6. Erreur 6 error C2550: ‘UItemData::{ctor}’ : les listes d’initialiseurs de constructeur ne sont autorisées que dans la définition d’un constructeur E:\Etherion\Etherion\Source\Etherion\ItemData.cpp 9 1 Etherion

  7. Erreur 7 error C2352: ‘UObjectBaseUtility::GetName’ : appel non conforme d’une fonction membre non static E:\Etherion\Etherion\Source\Etherion\ItemData.cpp 10 1 Etherion

Hey -

Could you post the entire ItemData class (full header and source file)? The errors you’re seeing seem to be coming from more than one issue with the code setup.

Hi, my constructor was not be good declared for the 4.9 :

here is the solution :

UItemData::UItemData(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer){...}

I get the same problem. I used the 4.9 editor to open my 4.8.3 project. It fails to compile and suggests I open it in Visual Studio. I tried this solution, but nothing happened.

Hey Ben-

Could you elaborate on what you’re seeing? Are you getting a compile error after upgrading the project? If so what is the error you’re getting?