Accessed none for add to viewport after 4.9 update

I just updated to 4.9, and a basic add widget to viewport node stopped working.

Am I doing anything wrong here? This successfully adds the widget to the viewport, but generates errors that the viewport accessed none for Widget.

Oops looks like the image isnt showing up in the post for some reason :confused:

edit: nevermind

You are adding widget to viewport on which event? Tick event or BeginPlay?

Ohhh so good to see that I’m not alone with this!
I have the exact same problem in the BeginPlay() function of my character.
I don’t get the error message when I play in editor without networking, aka no dedicated server or listenserver (which is not feasible in our project).
Maybe this helps you.

Yes this is in a networking project too!

This is in begin play (not sure why I would add UI on tick).

I fixed this problem! So for anyone who is also experiencing it:

  1. Run the project
  2. Close Unreal
  3. Change project name
  4. Open Unreal again
  5. Feel free to close it and return your project’s name back to what it was

edit: false alarm, this problem is still happenning

I’ll try this in a moment! By change project name you mean the project folder?
Or the .uproject file?
Thanks for this!

I changed the name of the .uproject file and the project folder but both did nothing for me :confused:

Yeah this worked yesterday, but today when I tried it the problem persisted :frowning:

What I noticed is, if you play in Standalone Window, this error does not happen, but if you PIE then it does. Bizarre, isn’t it.

this post is from a long time ago, but i found the fix for it,you just need to add a switch has authority and connect the remote to the create widget etc.


THIS WORKED, turns out we were all experience this due to networking not sure about you guys but personally my set up was coming off a multicast. I’m making a TCG and when you play a card it shows a blown up version of the card with particle effects on both players screens “so the opposite player knows what is going on” but even though I knew I had the logic correct I persistently got this same error.

Adding a “Switch Has Authority” to choke my server off the multicast fixed the error, in hindsight I see the error in my ways, of course the server would have this problem since their is no view port TO add to as a server. The fact I was in a multicast logic totally slipped my mind, that was frustrating. Thanks for the fix!

Thank you for this!!

just input Get Player Auth Token function and input your player controller

Check if you have selected “play on dedicated server” on the multiplayer options of your game menu. That may solve the issue, but then you detected code that is not working properly on multiplayer setups.

If you are not running a dedicated server, you will have authorithy, but you will also need to create the menu widget as there is a player playing and hosting on the same game instance. If you are in a player controller I found this check to work in all cases.
