Skeletal mesh vs static mesh performance

I want to build a spaceship out of several individual meshes. These meshes have sockets so that they can be easily connected to each other. It would be great to define these sockets in 3ds max but then I have to create bones and export them as skeletal meshes. I know I can manually add sockets in the editor to static meshes but I’d rather import them from 3ds max.

Now I don’t know what is the better strategy: Use static meshes and manually add the sockets or use skeletal meshes though I don’t really need them. Is there any performance loss when using skeletal meshes without any animation instead of static meshes? Or is there any way to import sockets along with a static mesh?

The performance difference between a skeletal mesh with no animations and a static mesh would be neglectable i believe, but you would have more flexibility regarding collision meshes with a static mesh.

For the record: I just found out that it is possible to automatically import sockets from 3ds max into static meshes. Just create null objects in max and call them “SOCKET_BlaBla”. Then your socket in UE will be named “BlaBla”.

Good to know, thanks!